Friday, August 5, 2011

Behemoth's Nergal Featured on the Summer Issue of Terrorizer Magazine!

As we all know, Behemoth had to take a forced break when their vocalist/guitar Adam "Nergal" Darski was diagnosed with Leukemia early last year. In order for Nergal to get the treatment he needed, his fans united in order to find him a match that could donate some bone marrow in order for Nergal to be able to get a bone marrow transplant. Following the chemo therapy, and the bone marrow transplant, Nergal is cancer free!

In order to honor Poland's Heavy Metal ambassador, Terrorizer Magazine (The World's Most Dangerous Magazine) decided to make put Nergal on the cover of their Summer issue, along with in depth article about the Behemoth frontman! Here it is.

"I'm honored to be once again featured on the cover of most elite extreme Metal magazine! It’s a very well written, in depth story I couldn’t be more proud of. Read and enjoy!" - Nergal

Related links:
Terrorizer Magazine
Behemoth on Metal Blade Records
Behemoth on Facebook
Behemoth on Twitter

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